

Ketamine Clinic located in San Diego, CA


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric illness that develops in the wake of a stressful experience or a period of stressful circumstances. PTSD can interfere with your ability to function; however, treatment is possible through the care of founder Lindsey Garrett, RN, MBA, CCRN, and team member Benjamin Illum, MD, of Dreamscape Ketamine and Wellness in San Diego, California. If you’d like more information, schedule a visit online or call the office during normal business hours.

How does PTSD develop?

You might be surprised to learn that as many as one out of every 11 people will develop PTSD at some point in life, with women experiencing far higher rates of PTSD than men. This condition is often associated with soldiers who’ve experienced warfare. While members of the military can certainly develop PTSD, there are many other ways the condition can arise. 

Some of the experiences that can lead to PTSD include:

  • Car accidents
  • Bullying
  • Intimate partner violence
  • Natural disasters
  • Death of loved one
  • Rape or sexual assault
  • Terrorist acts

Anyone can develop PTSD, including people from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds or walks of life. 

What are some of the symptoms of PTSD?

People who have PTSD tend to go to great lengths to avoid circumstances and situations that remind them of the triggering event(s). The intense feelings and emotional reactions to the event linger long after the danger has passed.

Some of the signs of PTSD include:

  • Intrusive thoughts and memories of the triggering event
  • Negative thoughts about yourself or others
  • Feeling estranged or detached from others
  • Inability to remember specific details of the triggering event
  • Self-destructive behaviors
  • Angry outbursts
  • Being easily startled
  • Intense reactions to reminders of the triggering event

When these changes last for more than a month and begin to create problems in your everyday life, it’s time to seek professional help.   

How does ketamine work to improve the symptoms of PTSD?

Ketamine offers a path to relief from PTSD symptoms, especially in men and women who have not found other treatments to be effective. PTSD is known to be a challenging condition to treat, but the condition is also incredibly disruptive to normal routines. 

In the 1970s, researchers were primarily focused on the pain-relieving and anesthetic properties of ketamine. Not until the 1990s did researchers turn more attention to the ways that ketamine therapy can help treat depression and other mental health issues. 

Recent research supports using ketamine in the treatment of PTSD. The medication helps increase serotonin levels within the brain while also reducing inflammation as well as anxiety. Ketamine therapy also helps repair neural pathways within the brain, facilitating communication between neurons. 

The best way to explore how ketamine therapy can help you achieve improvement in PTSD symptoms is to book a consultation at Dreamscape Ketamine and Wellness. You can reach the practice online or over the phone at your convenience.